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French Smart - Grade 4

French Smart - Grade 4

French Smart - Grade 4

Model: 9781897457498
Price: $12.95 $11.95 CAD
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French Smart - Grade 4

Developed specifically for children learning French as a second language, FrenchSmart helps supplement and consolidate what your child has learned at school in a systematic way. The engaging activities cover the major areas in learning French: vocabulary building, grammar, reading, and usage. Illustrations in English are provided where needed to ensure that your child learns with confidence.

Les objets de classse (School Supplies)
À l'école (At School)
La famille (Family)
Les jours de la semaine (The Days of the Week)
êLes mois de l'ann
ée (The Months of the Year)
Les nombres : de 1 
à 15 (Numbers : 1 to 15)
nombres : de 16 à 30 (Numbers : 16 to 30)
'heure et le temps du jour (The Hour and the Time of Day)
Les pronoms personnels sujets (Personal Subject Pronouns)

Chez moi (At my House)
Les animauz domestiques (Domestic Animals - Pets)

Les couleurs (Colours)
Les saisons (The Seasons)

Le temps (The Weather)
Les v
êtements (Clothings)
La nourriture et les repas (Food and Meals)

Answers at end of workbook.

Soft cover, 8¼" X 11¼", 120 Pages