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McGraw-Hill Ryerson Functions 11 - Excercise & Homework Book
Model: 9780070318755
The McGraw-Hill Ryerson Functions 11 - Excercise & Homework Book supports the Ontario Ministry of Education course: Functions, Grade 11, University Preparation (MCR3U).
It has these study units:
Function including quadratic functions.
Transformation of Functions, horizontal & vertical translations,
reflections, stretches and inverse of functions.
Exponential Functions, exponential growth & decay, rational expnents,
transformation and application.
Trigonometry, special angles, co-terminal & related Angles,
reciprocal trigonometric ratios, problems in 2 dimensions, 3 dimensions
and trigonometric identities.
Trigonometric Functions, sine, cosine, their transformations, graphing,
data collecting and modelling.
Discrete Functions, squences as discrete functions, recursive procedures,
Pascal's tiangle, expanading binominal powers, arithmatic & geometric sequences,
arithmatic & geometric series.
Financial Applications Of Sequences and Series, simple & compound interest,
present value, annuities and present value of an annuity.
Each chapter ends with review and math contest.
Answers given at end of book.
273 pages.