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PAINLESS Grammar (Third Edition)

PAINLESS Grammar (Third Edition)

PAINLESS Grammar (Third Edition)

Model: 9780764147128
Price: $11.99 CAD


PAINLESS Grammar (Third Edition)

The Pain Vanishes when you transform Grammar  Problems into fun
- Learn correct ways to construct sentences by applying rules of grammar to funny statement
- See how using correct grammar makes sending e-mails to your friends faster and easier
- Discover how to use your knowledge of grammar for fun activities, such as editing the school paper
- Test your learning progress with fun quizzes and "Brain Ticklers"


Chapter 1: Parts of Speech
- Noun Pointers
- Pronoun Pointers
- Adjective and adverb Pointers
- Conjuction Pointers
- Preposition Pointers
- Interjection Pointers

Chapter 2: Building and Punctuating Sentences
- Sentences, Fragments, Phrase, and Clauses
- Road Signs: Punctuation
- Highlights: Abbreviations, Numbers, Symbols, and Emphasis

Chapter 3: Agreement
- Agreement Between Subject and Verb
- Agreement Between Pronouns and Antecedents

Chapter 4: Words, Words, Words
- Wacky Words We Love to Misuse
- One Word or Two?
- Confusing Pears

Chapter 5: Cleaning Up Messy Writing

Chapter 6: Writing a Good E-mail

Chapter 7: Getting it All Together: Editing Paper


283 pages


Printed in USA